Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Quest for the Golden Funyuns

So Today, whist in french class, I was pondering many a deep profound, life changing thoughts. Such as: If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? And what is the weight of a single grain of sand? And how much it sucks to be sick. You know you hardly ever get sick when you say, "Man, I wish I could be sick today.", but it doesn't happen and then you get sick two weeks later, miss something important, realize that you either have to stay in bed for three days or go to school and bitch about it the whole time, but either way you crawl back home and get all hyped up on coca cola and exclaim, "I NEVER WANT TO GET SICK AGAIN!". Well...that's just in my expirience.

Back to the point, however. Whist I was pondering those aformentioned deep and highly profound thoughts, my darling friend Katlind invited me to go on an adventure. I, of course, readily accepted this adventure, nay, this quest, as pondering was getting rather old. We set off immiediately on our periless journey full of danger, evil teachers, and...wind. It was all very dramatic, trust me. We had set off on a course for one of Katlind's teachers room. When we arrived we had found that her teacher had been KIDNAPPED. Ok, he was actually just out to lunch or something, but go with me on this. So instead of getting him to break her five dollar bill (Did I mention that? No? Oh well.) we instead left an elaborate series of notes.

After we had accomplished that we trudged on to the dreaded cafeteria. We then cautiously approached the first teacher we saw and asked him for the magic spell to break the magical five dollar bill! Alas, he did not know the spell. So we then approached another teacher. She did not have the spell but she intead had five one dollar bills! We rejoiced with much flailing. Katlind then proceeded to hand me the one dollar bill "that looked like it had spent the most time in a stripper's underwear" and I rejoiced once again.

Before we returned to the classroom we stopped at the vending machines, our true destination, and spied the mystical GOLDEN FUNYUNS. Katlind carefully gained access to them through use of a dollar and a complex code system. We returned to the classroom, with our loot in tow, and entered as the victorious students we were. After Katlind had opened the bag of golden deliciousness, my friend Caitlin heard me speak of my blog. She then asked to be mentioned. Obviously this has been accomplished.


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