Sunday, April 24, 2011

Music + Boredom + Sugar = Blog?

Apparently so. So there I was listening to Kesha and inhaling a cup full of Lucky Charms marshmallows at 11:30 at night and then I had an epiphany. "I should make a blog and it will be the BEST BLOG EVAR.", I thought, then again that may be just the sugar talking.

So after about 15 minutes spazzing about what blog layout I should choose and how to make it pretty I just ended up letting my procrastination get the best of me. Oh, How I love thee procrastination. Not. So my aversion to responsibility has led me to make a blog. Which is responsibility....but it is a fun responsibility so I'm gonna bust this thing out as best I can!

A brief description of how this blog will roll: It will be random. It will involve any random thoughts and/or experiences about my day that may or may not be fueled by my ADD or my massive sweet tooth. If you do not like these terms then please click here. I hope you liked that people who clicked it just cause it was there. I see what you did there, people.

So here I am, now shortly after midnight, writing something that I hope makes sense. If you want an example of how off track and EPIC my thoughts can get...well here:

"The h, there, was unintentional...but it led to the desired effect....rehtard like in the hangover....I'm rambling, aren't I? Well at least it made sense....PENIS. Now it didn't. Doesn't. Dammit."

And that Is from today...well technically yesterday. So I hope you enjoyed this entertainment. I will work on making this thing pretty so don't lose hope. FIN.

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